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Rosebank Districts ongoing projects

Rosebank Districts ongoing projects

As the Rosebank Management Districts we are striving to create and maintain a well-integrated mixed-use precinct, underpinned by a vision to make Rosebank a leading urban example of a district with liveability, connectivity, diversity, environmental sustainability, and innovation at its heart.

To this end, each year we develop and implement special projects that align with our aim of continually enhancing and expanding Rosebank for the benefit of all stakeholders. 

Here are some of the projects we are working on:

Boundary expansion

With the area’s continued development, we have recognised the necessity to expand the official operating boundaries of the Rosebank Districts (previously the bounded area within Oxford Rd, Bolton Rd, Jan Smuts Ave and Jellicoe Ave) to include neighbouring stakeholders and partners who have expressed an interest in being part of the managed Rosebank Districts. In particular, we have identified the area where the eastern portion of Oxford Road and Bolton Rd meet (for easy reference, landmarks here are the Coca-Cola building and McDonalds) as well as the western portion of Jan Smuts Ave and Bolton Rd, extending into Parkwood. More details will be shared as this initiative progresses. 

#GoRosebank pedestrianisation initiatives

The primary objective of #GoRosebank is to promote sustainable and active mobility in the node and adjoining neighbourhoods, starting with positioning Rosebank as a pedestrian-friendly and bike-friendly neighbourhood. This is an ongoing initiative to raise awareness about existing cycle-friendly infrastructure and lobby stakeholders to consider the installation of supportive infrastructure and facilities that will enable an active cycling community. As we roll out #GoRosebank the community can look forward to improved pedestrian crossings and cycling lanes on Bath Ave, and in future, in other areas of Rosebank. 

Study for Rosebank Taxi Rank 

In recognition of the challenges around the existing taxi facility in Rosebank, which has long outstripped the original space allocated for the rank, the Rosebank Management District, with support from various landowners in the node, has appointed Impact Manpower to conduct a study to better understand the needs and limitations around the current rank. To date, initial engagements have been held with taxi associations operating in the precinct, namely Faraday and ATA for input. The information garnered through this study will assist in informing further solutions to tackle some of the apparent as well as emergent concerns. 

Taxi Rank Safety Interventions

In November 2022, the Johannesburg Development Agency, an implementing agent of the City of Johannesburg Transport Department commenced with phase 1 of the upgrade of the taxi rank which included the upgrade of the intersection of the entrance and exit points of the existing facility, improved food stalls and ablution facilities, among other things. 

In support of these efforts, the RMD is looking into improving lighting at the facility and installing bollards to prevent taxis from parking on paved walkways. These measures will bring added safety to commuters and drivers. 

RMD visitor office

We are working on establishing a dedicated office for the Rosebank Districts to enhance our on-the-ground presence in Rosebank for our stakeholders. This office will serve as a hub for the community to seek assistance, while also enabling us to partner with the City of Joburg entities to host public outreach initiatives that will positively impact the community. We anticipate launching the new office in May 2024.

Traffic Light Adoption

Recognising the influence of loadshedding on traffic patterns, the RMD took action by collaborating with stakeholders and members to power key traffic lights (at intersections) in order to ensure their continued functionality during periods of loadshedding. This endeavour has been met with success and continues to be a sustained initiatives.

Rosebank Hospitality Network

Initiated by the RMD in collaboration with Johannesburg In Your Pocket City Guides, this is a platform for hospitality partners to come together to explore opportunities for improving the tourism experience of greater Rosebank. A series of engagements will be hosted bi-monthly with the relevant stakeholders, each hosted by a different hotel in the precinct. 

Additional focus areas

Other projects that have our attention are focused on place making activities, enhanced law enforcement operations, community outreach and residents-stakeholder engagement, continued road repairs and maintenance as required. 

How you can be a part of this 

To join us and support initiatives by RMD, please contact our membership office on 082 386 2680 or Sign up for our monthly member’s newsletter here.

Read about the benefits of joining the RMD here. Follow our social media platforms for daily updates on operational concerns, events and safety tips. Find us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram

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